Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Im baack !!

Im back...Mainly to talk about Lent and the wonderful book that managed a miracle: Run Fat B!tch Run.

I heard about this book through Twitter. @Giovannafalcone was reading it on a bus and after reading the summary about it, bought it straight away. This book is the ultimate motivator. I have wanted to start running for a while. I am incredibly unfit and himself used to run and it’s always something I wanted to do. I read the first half of the book in a day and the next day started to follow its plan. I dragged my wee sis with me (21years old.. not so wee). She didn’t want to go at first as it was dark and raining but I read her a paragraph from the book and she had her runners on in no time.

The idea is you map out a circuit about 5km long in a loop. This is your circuit and it will help gauge your progress. In 2 weeks I was able to run half of the circuit, a good chunk of it to without having to stop and walk.

So this was a few weeks ago and my cousin got married since and I got distracted and gave up. (This is where Lent comes in.) Instead of giving up chocolate which I usually do, I have decided to get fit and take up running. I have the goal of a 5km fun run in May. Today is the Ash Wednesday and after eating a bunch of pancakes yesterday I definitely need to work them off.

Goal:      3-4 times a week
Distance: 3-5km per run

Hope I can summon my inner @GritDoctor to give me the power!

That’s all for now... I’ll let ya know how I get on.


UPDATE: Did a short run of almost 3k. Mostly up hill and ran half of it without stopping. Good start :-)

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